V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. (You may bow your head or genuflect)
R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.

Read and Listen: (Jn 19:12-17)

Pilate was eager to release him. But the Jews shouted, "If you free this man you are no 'Friend of Caesar.' Anyone who makes himself a king becomes Caesar's rival." Pilate heard what they were saying, then brought Jesus outside and took a seat on a judge's bench at the place called the Stone Pavement - Gabbatha in Hebrew. (It was Preparation Day for Passover, and the hour was about noon.) He said to the Jews, "Look at your king!" At this they shouted, "Away with him! Away with him! Crucify him!" What!" Pilate exclaimed. "Shall I crucify your king?" The chief priests replied, "We have no king but Caesar." In the end, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified. Jesus was led away, and carrying the cross by himself, went out to what is called the Place of the Skull (in Hebrew, Golgotha).


In youth, good health, beauty, popularity, wealth, success in studies or business, that is, when everything is fine and under our control, it is difficult to think that we can ever fail, stumble or fall. But watch out - for it is in those times when we feel so secure and proud that we risk the danger of falling. The higher the rise, the louder and devastating is the crash and the fall. Never make undue promises, especially to the Lord, since we can fail anytime. At the Last Supper, Jesus warned his apostles on the imminent sufferings he had to go through. Then Simon Peter pledged his loyalty to his Master even to the point of imprisonment and death. He nursed the martyr-complex in following Jesus. Then Jesus immediately reminded him, "I tell you, Peter, the cock will not crow today until you have three times denied that you know me" (Lk 22:34). Indeed, as prophesied, Peter fell. He denied his Master, remembered his words to him and wept bitterly (Lk 22:62).

With Jesus, true discipleship lies not in being always correct, strong and firm or standing tall at all times, but in being humble enough to know ourselves as fragile and weak, and to seek God's forgiveness and help so that we may rise anew. Judas fell, but he was too proud to bend his knees before the Lord. He killed himself. Jesus instead wants us to live fully, despite our faults and falls. He helps us to rise anew and to keep moving on to the next phase of our mission in life.


Dear Jesus, in the past, I kept my head always upright out of pride and as a show of strength. But knowing that I am weak and how badly I have fallen, I humbly come to you. I feel myself unworthy to follow you. But I realize that it is in falling that you can help me rise. In sinning, you forgive me my sins and save me.

Lord, help me to understand that all of us have our crosses too heavy to carry. Let me not put more burdens in the lives of others through my lording over them, or in proving who I am or what I can do to them. Instead of making others fall, let me instead help them to rise by my kindness, generosity, understanding, compassion and love. Only in experiencing your love for me can I easily render that service to others too. When I fall, lift me up. When others fall, may I also help them rise - in joy of love in you. Amen. (You may say the Our Father before you go to the next station.)