The monks of New Melleray are Christians professing the Rule of St. Benedict in the spirit of the Founders of Citeaux as handed on in the tradition of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance within a community wholly oriented to a contemplative life of prayer.

We, the monks of New Melleray, are Christians called together by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to witness to the power of Christ's Resurrection in the world. Like the community of first believers we strive to live with one heart and one mind centered on Christ. With Him we take up our cross daily and follow in His way of obedience to the Father.

We find in the Rule of St. Benedict a practical guide for living the Gospel. In our manner of life we carry on the monastic tradition handed down to us by the Founders of Citeaux and interpreted in our times by the Cistercians of the Strict Observance. Like our Fathers, we share by prayer, by lectio divina, by work, and by mutual service a way of life that is lived in an atmosphere of silence and solitude.

As monks we hold all of God's creation in reverence, and see the natural resource of our monastery as gifts from God. This is especially true of our land. Therefore, in our farming practices we exercise great care to protect and improve our farmland and woodlands. We commit ourselves to sustainable agriculture that will protect the ecological health of our environment and provide for the economic and social well-being of our community. We realize that our land provides sustenance not only for ourselves but for the generations of New Melleray monks who will succeed us.

Over and above the economic aspect of our land, we are aware of the nurturing role it plays in the contemplative life of our community. We are committed to preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the Abbey's surroundings which witness to the inner life of graced lived here and to the majesty of the God who created them. Both for ourselves and those who visit the Abbey, they speak of the enduring value of contemplative prayer

In the use of our resource we attempt to fulfill all of the demands of justice and charity which flow from our stewardship of them and share of our bounty with the needy. Annually we review the responsibilities placed on us by our stewardship.

As a contemplative Order in the Catholic Church we see our life of prayer as a universal mission for the world. For this reason our common liturgical prayer and our personal prayer of the heart form the center of our life. We remember that we are part of a society that has been shaped by the past and is involved in the ever-changing culture of the world. Therefore, we pray for all peoples in order to keep alive in the heart of the human family the desire for that heavenly home to which our lives give witness.

We look to the future with hope based on the revelation of God in the Scriptures. We look to a time when all peoples will have a share in the peace and justice of God's kingdom. Therefore, we have a vision: with sincere love for one another, and by open communication, and in simplicity of life we may strive to create a joyful and vibrant community life together. We respect and encourage the unique gifts and needs of each one. With the compassion of Christ, we accept and forgive the brokenness and limitations in ourselves and in others even as we challenge one another to further growth and holiness.

In the Cistercian tradition our lives and community are dedicated to Christ with Mary, the Mother of God and of the Church.